This is where I put things that can’t quite be categorized, such as “thoughts” or “status” posts.
Expect only technical / nerdy posts, though. ;)
Assembly programmers have been drawn, ever since macros were invented, to macros that encapsulate several instructions. This essay attempts to capture why, in spite of their attractiveness, I have consistently argued against them.
Keep reading...Clickbait title: I Broke Your Code And I'm Not Sorry.
We all hate when something we use, or rely on, breaks. We hate it even more when it’s someone else’s fault. I’m no different!
But then, why have I, as the lead maintainer of RGBDS, been inflicting this pain upon other people for the past four years or so?
Keep reading...Recently, GumpyFunction remarked on Prehistorik Man’s parallax effect on the original Game Boy. While this game is not one of the console’s best known, being somewhat a average title, it’s one of, if not the most technically impressive commercial releases on the platform.
Keep reading...This originally started as a Twitter thread that got out of hand 30 tweets long.
Avivace asked me if I could make it into a blog post of some kind, and I figured that it was a good idea, and I might as well clean up a few things, and possibly add some images.
Keep reading...