Driver internals

This does not aim to document every single inner working of fortISSimO—there are too many of those, and too few people would be interested—it only contains descriptions of what each variable does, since those are at least likely to be useful to people writing routines.

Though I’m not opposed to the scope being expanded, if someone is interested.

Last updated as of commit 94a309b. This is susceptible to having changed since then; see the changes since then, particularly the file src/fortISSimO.asm.

Be careful of accessing these variables yourself if fortISSimO runs in an interrupt handler! It may be possible for fortISSimO to execute between your code reading different bytes, and thus end up with an inconsistent state!

Note that the variable names follow this naming guide, except for variables exported by default (those with the hUGE_ prefix).

Song “cache”

All of the following variables are merely copied from the song header when hUGE_SelectSong is run, no processing applied! (Their names should be self-explanatory as to what they contain.) They can be modified at any time between two executions of hUGE_TickSong, and will take effect the next time they are read.

VariableAccessed when?
wTicksPerRowOn tick 0 of a new row.
wLastPatternIdxWhen “naturally” switching to the next pattern.
wDutyInstrsOn tick 0 of a new row, if such an instrument must be loaded.
wWaveInstrsOn tick 0 of a new row, if such an instrument must be loaded.
wNoiseInstrsOn tick 0 of a new row, if such an instrument must be loaded.
wRoutineEvery time a “call routine” effect is executed.
wWavesWhen an instrument with a new wave (see hUGE_LoadedWaveID) is loaded, and every time a “change timbre” effect is executed on CH3.

Global variables

  • hUGE_LoadedWaveID: ID of the wave the driver currently thinks is loaded in RAM, or hUGE_NO_WAVE for “none”.
  • wArpState: Which offset arpeggios should apply on this tick (1 = none, 2 = lower nibble, 3 = upper nibble); decremented before every tick.
  • wRowTimer: Decremented before every tick, and if it reaches 0, a new row is switched to.
  • wOrderIdx: Offset in bytes within the order “columns”; since every entry (a pointer) is 2 bytes, this is always a multiple of 2.
  • wPatternIdx: Which row in the current patterns is active, with bits 7 and 6 set. Incremented at the beginning of a tick where a new row is played.
  • wForceRow: When switching to a new row, if this is set, this will be written to wPatternIdx instead of it being incremented.


The channel variables are grouped under four structures, named wCH1, wCH2, wCH3, and wCH4; each member variable is a local label.


The following is common to all channels:

  • .order: Pointer to this channel’s order “column”. Kind of part of the song “cache”, but per-channel. Read every time a new row is switched to.
  • .fxParams, .instrAndFx, .note: These cache the active row. (This avoids having to re-calculate the pointer to it and re-read it every time.)
  • .subPattern: Pointer to the active instrument’s subpattern, or 0 if disabled.
  • .subPatternRow: Index of the active row in the subpattern (0–31).
  • .lengthBit: This is OR’d into all bytes written to NRx4.

Not CH4

The following is present in wCH1, wCH2, and wCH3, but not wCH4:

  • .period: The current base “period”, in the format that will get written to NRx3/NRx4. May not reflect what was last written to those registers, e.g. vibrato writes to those but not to this.
  • To save some space, the following variables overlap, since they can’t be used concurrently:
    • Used while a “tone porta” effect is active on this channel:
      • .portaTarget: The “period” that is being slid towards. This is redundant with .note, but serves as a cache.
    • Used while a “vibrato” effect is active on this channel:
      • .vibratoOffset: How much must be added to .period when writing to NRx3/NRx4.
      • .vibratoState: The upper nibble counts down before each tick, and the direction is flipped when it underflows. Bit 0 specifies the direction: clear when the period is increasing, and set when it’s decreasing.
      • .vibratoPrevArg: If the previous row contained a vibrato, then this contains its argument; if not, then this has its lower nibble set to 0.


The following is present on wCH4 and only it.

  • .lfsrWidth: The “LFSR width” bit, in NR43 format.
  • .polynom: The current “polynom”, in NR43 format (all bits but bit 3).