Routines are an advanced feature of fortISSimO, which allow you to execute custom code at arbitrary points in a track’s playback.
fortISSimO diverges from hUGEDriver here in major ways: hUGEDriver supports 16 routines, fortISSimO supports only a single one; teNOR completely ignores the routines defined in the .uge
file; and the interfaces provided to routines are very different.
teNOR places each track’s routine pointer at the very end of the generated .asm
file. So, to define a routine, it’s sufficient to INCLUDE
the file and write the routine’s code right after:
INCLUDE "exports/boss_music.asm"
; `600` disables the boss' invunlnerability, `601` enables it.
ld a, b
ld [wBossInvuln], a
Routines are meant to be written in assembly code; no C wrapper is provided.
The routine is passed the entire effect’s argument in the b
register; no part of the argument is special, since there is only a single routine per song.
It is possible to use the argument to dispatch between several sub-routines, and even to mimic hUGEDriver’s behaviour; for example:
INCLUDE "exports/final_boss_music.asm"
ld a, b
and $F0
jr z, .changeInvuln
; `610` charges the boss' attack.
; (This can run a *lot* more often than you expect—
; please see the caveat in the next section.)
ld hl, wBossChargeCounter
inc [hl]
; `600` disables the boss' invulnerability, `601` enables it.
ld a, b
ld [wBossInvuln], a
Additionally, hl
points at the routine itself, de
points at the channel’s note byte (wCHx.note
), and c
contains the channel’s mask (hUGE_CHx_MASK
The flags are not significant.
When is the routine called?
Each active 6xx
effect causes the routine to be called once every tick, not just the first one!
Effects can come from the “main grid”, where they are active for as many ticks as the tempo specifies, and/or from subpatterns, where they are only active for a single tick.
fortISSimO, unlike hUGEDriver, does not expose a tick counter by default. You will have to poke at the driver’s internals to obtain one.